
Updates for traditional games and past time- BATU SEREMBAN

What have I been up to recently? 
Interesting question,right?

I decided to make a banner for our last assignment and it consist of all the subtopic of our group members.

 Aim: To make sure the reader have some view about our group's topic, that is the Malay Culture.

The topics are: 
1. Clothing
2. Food
3. Traditional Games & Past time
4. Festival
5. Traditional Weapons

 I used google to find the pictures of the related topic
Then, I use photoshop to make this banner.
I did a few changes for the size because the picture is too big and exceeded the blog post.
I also asked the group leader to allow me to edit and change the background.

Back to my subtopic.
I am doing on traditional games and past time.
I went to google to find some of the traditional games there are in Malaysia.
I did ask around some friends about traditional games and also posted some topic on traditional games.
Below is an example of a post which I posted on facebook.

Batu Seremban is also known as Batu Lima or Selambut or Serembat.
It is a popular game played by children. It is normally played by girls.
This game can be played individually or even in a group of two, three, four and so on.
Children normally use stones, glass marbles, medium sized rock or any kind of objects that is small and round to play this game. All they need is just five stones, marbles or any kind of object.
This game is normally played during their free time or past time, at the verandah, indoors or anywhere andy time. All they need is a flat and clean surface. Players for batu seremban normally prefer to sit on the ground so that the can play it easily.

There are different level of the game. In fact, some people improvise the normal traditional game, instead of using stone and the normal method, they use cloth filled with "buah saga" or sand.


Final of final E-wallpaper.

This week is the due date to submission our E-wallpaper.
But I just got to do this last small bit of editing because I was not satisfied.

This is the final of the final photo for last post
I was not satisfied with the outcome because it focus on visual more
Therefore, I plan to add some words.

So I add slightly more information using text adding some shadow and also some stroke to make the wordings pop out a little bit.
Just that the focus can be seen.
So what do you think?


Procedures For E-wallpaper

Last week I ask my tutor about her opinion about my wallpaper
After I hear the comment I make a better version and this is what I did

I selected this photo I took as the background of my wallpaper

I found this bubble as to put the information in them but ended up didn't 
  I used the quick selection tool to select the bubbles

I drag the bubbles into the 1st layer
After that, I go to edit, transform and scale the photo

 I use the same method that is the quick selection tool to select my model to be inside the photo
I was planning to give the view that is the person is looking out and thinking about his future.
So I rasterize the photo to enable editing. 

This is moving the photo to put it in place.

Here is the original photo of the model where I use the quick selection tool to move the model
At 1st I was planning to use masking but something went wrong

Then i go the the image, adjustments to change the contrast and brightness

Next I go the adjustment again to change the background to black and white

This is how the picture looks like.

I want to create focus. That's is the FOM building.
Before that i forgot to adjust the contrast and brightness so I redo.

Since i cant make the change in the 1st photo.
I drag the photo into the new tab to edit so that I will not destroy the original picture

I select history tools. So that I am able to get the original colour of the building.
This is to create focus.

The similar method is use for the FOM sign.
Another tool is use is the clone stamp tool
This is to make the picture to blend in.

I drag this photo into a new tab.
I use the marquee tool to select the FOM sign

Now to get the picture in place

So the lighted up the focus of the picture.

The image didn't fall in place
Especially for the model's hair
So I use the eraser tool to slightly erase the hair

The model didn't really match the picture
I use the blur tool to slightly blur the model so that it is more real
Also the the glare from the camera lens help to make the picture real as it give the view like the model is looking at the sun and give the focus point.

Then I use the silhouette of people to show the future
As it is not determine.
I use to gender. 2 to show student and 2 to show professionalism 

This is the picture I found on the internet.
I select it carefully after considerations.
I use the magnetic lasso tool.

This is the picture to show professionalism
Using the same tool that is the lasso tool and also the resizing

Here I put in the text and MMU logo

 Here is the final product


Photoshoot Frenzy

Here is so catch of the week.
I take my sister's camera and give is a spin around 2 weeks ago.
Some of the photo are taken in the evening right after my class whereas some of the photo are taken on the daytime during weekends thus the duration is taken for a long time.
Here are some of the photo carefully picked and edited to do the e-wallpaper assignment.

 FOM office

 Slightly higher

Walking toward class and towards the office.

 Faculty of management signboard.

 FOM cafe in the evening

FOM cafe in daylight.

MMU Logo

FOM signboard

 Faculty of Management (FOM)

 My model

 FOM building from a higher view.

Path to knowledge

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~